Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Random roundup

* The winner on Jeopardy! (regular Jeopardy!, not a dumbed-down, younger version) last night was college senior Kristina Caffrey. She beat a nondescript middle-aged man and a smiley, Bible-knowledgeable woman...

* My brother got a job with the Philadelphia Teaching Fellows. I'm going to assume they're a lot better than Teach for America (jerks).

* He's kind of a big deal.

* The NYT reports that I shouldn't expect eternal fidelity from a guy (without or without his eyesight) or a shrike. Thanks, Spitzer. I did like this excerpt about dung beetles from the
Times article:
In one experiment with postmatrimonial scarabs, the female beetle was kept tethered in the vicinity of her mate, who quickly seized the opportunity to pheromonally broadcast for fresh faces. Upon being released from bondage, the female dashed over and knocked the male flat on his back. 'She’d roll him right into the ball of dung,' Dr. Barash said, 'which seemed altogether appropriate.'

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