Thursday, October 23, 2008

Haha funny

Two stories that amused me recently:

Make DC Weird by Designing, Buying a T-shirt (WCP City Desk blog)
An English Country Stylist, Unrepentant (NYT)

Favorite excerpts:

1. From Jule, former colleague:
[O]ther cities with weird campaigns, they are more committed to their towns’ weirdness. "They have street performers," she offers as an example.

"So what we need are mimes?," I ask. "Yes," she says. 'Mimes."

"And maybe those people who look like they’re made out of gold, but they’re really not.'

"Yes," she says, "or maybe pewter. Anything metallic."

2) from NYT:

a. Keith Irvine turned 80 last week and threw himself a garage sale to celebrate. "A very elegant garage sale," he said dryly, raising silvery eyebrows.

b. Mr. Irvine can be balky. In the 1980s, he said he suffered a midlife crisis, which he expressed by building an addition to his early 19th-century farmhouse. The addition included a very grand ballroom, and did not include any input from his wife.

"It was very irritating," she said in a phone interview last week. Mrs. Irvine, who has written 13 books on architecture and decorative arts, took her revenge by threatening to have an image of the new wing engraved on expensive stationery emblazoned with the words "Keith’s Erection."

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