Wednesday, October 1, 2008


This past Sunday was Crafty Bastards, and despite the time crunch (only three weeks to prepare) I managed to have a lot of things ready and to sell a good number of them. Wooot. I had a lot of helpers (4!). I think the thing that made me most able to enjoy the day was having better prepared my display. Mom and I even bought some flowers, and I really liked the easel and canvas display I had for some hanger/organizers I made with wood from PA. I also spent more time on packaging, although that was only really for the notebooks.

This year, given the fact that I had been on the "waiting list" for over a month, I thought a lot more about the confidence factor that selling something handmade requires. I realized my CB application was flawed (as KW pointed out, didn't showcase my more unique stuff) and that they were trying to get new sellers, but being almost rejected was something of a blow. I had never gotten that kind of negative reaction to the things I make, and it was hard not to take it personally. In the same way, I felt much more inclined to really hawk my wares when I was confident that my setup looked good. And how goodgoodgood it feels to have people peer over your table and say how clever or cool they think something is. I'm just happy it worked out, and, for many reasons, I have tons of respect for people who do this full time.

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