Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Potty humor

Forget liftoffs and all that tricky NASA stuff--the International Space Station is battling a toilet that's on the fritz. (The problem is "confined to the urine side of the commode," fortunately.) I first read coverage of it in French, just now, for work, and the wording is much amusing than it is in English:

Depuis la semaine dernière, l'unique cabinet de toilette ne fonctionne plus et les trois membres d'équipage de l'ISS sont obligés, depuis lors, de faire leurs besoins dans des sacs en plastique.


Since last week the only toilet on board has stopped working, and in the meantime the three ISS team members have been forced to do their business in plastic bags.

While its title is clever, the English version of course makes no direct reference to the act of urination:

Crew members aboard the International Space Station have been fumbling with plastic bags since their zero-gravity toilet made "a loud noise" and stopped working properly last week.

I've always been impressed by the many things astronauts do, and it seems that peeing into a plastic bag in zero gravity will just have to be added to the list.

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