Friday, May 16, 2008

"And what about Mr. Lumpy Flounder himself?"

Besides the fact that I can't help but extol Wii's virtues, I also enjoyed the NYT article about Wii Fit for this quote:

"The closest I get to serious exercise is flopping around at concerts like a lumpy, overeducated flounder."

The article does neglect how much of a workout games like boxing already are (although the video feature reveals that Wii Fit has a boxing component). I also don't think it mentions a price. Finally, I know that the physical rehab center where sister-in-law works uses Wii, a detail the likes of which could have added something.

The video is pretty fun, though, especially, because it makes me want to try the hula hooping and skiing. Sooo, do I buy one?

Addendum: Yeah, I just read too quickly. The article does include the price, which is $90 (plus the cost of a Wii itself, which NYT puts at $250).

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